Airbus H145 Level D FFS Successfully Achieves FSTD Qualification at Norwegian Competence Centre Helicopter AS in Stavanger, Norway
Stavanger, Norway and Berg/Munich, Germany, August 15, 2019
Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority Luftfartstilsynet qualified REISER’s Airbus H145 Level D FFS with its brand-new simulated Helionix® Step 3 Avionics Suite. The simulator has entirely satisfied the qualification requirements prescribed in Part-ORA and CS-FSTD (H). As the world’s first H145 FFS with simulated Helionix® Step 2 and Step 3 capability, the qualification marks a major milestone for both manufacturer and operator of this next generation FSTD. REISER’s Full Flight Simulator is operated by Thales Commercial Norway AS at NCCH AS, Stavanger.
Massive efficiencies are provided by REISER’s unique mixed reality solution for training of the 3rd Crew Member. The Medical Crew Member Station is located in the aft cabin behind the cockpit inside the dome. Wearing a Meta Vision 2 MR goggle with “see through” capabilities, the MCM watches the virtual out-of-the-door scenery while looking outside the open cabin door or virtual windows and simultaneously keeping an eye on the interaction with Pilot, Co-Pilot and MCM equipment. Training with the MR device enables the MCM to perform all his mission duties from clearing the rear part of the helicopter when landing in confined areas, as well as observing any hand signals given by the Rescue Man attached to the rope underneath the helicopter. Most realistic training during night missions is provided by a unique kind of night vision mode that simulates the typical enhanced view through a Night Vision Goggle (NVG). A torch, equipped with a tracker system, projects a simulated light beam to illuminate landing and accident site. The simulated light beam is visible for both MCM (through MR goggle), Pilot and Co-Pilot in the dome. The MCM Station provides next generation training during Rescue Man / Underslung Maneuvers, Search and Rescue Missions, Take-Off and Landing Maneuvers in confined areas, paired with an immersive benefit for crew coordination.
In the run-up to qualification REISER’s unparalleled solution has been evaluated by a Norwegian team of 2 Flight Instructors, 4 Pilots and 4 MCMs. A total of 10 missions was flown including onshore and offshore rescue scenarios. Each scenario included the flight to the accident site, the attachment of the rope and Rescue Man as well as the evacuation of one or more casualties.
“The medical crew member with the VR goggles will give us the opportunity to introduce the medical crew members to simulator training. This is a new and important training environment to increase the level of safety in our operations,” Erlend Segtnan, Manager Crew Training Norwegian Air Ambulance and Lars Erik Bragstad, Chief of Flight Operations summarized.
“Cutting-edge visualization technology, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, are used to bring the experience to life – in ever increasingly clever ways. Innovation is the motto and we find the solutions to training improvement and safety for helicopter crews,” said Dr. Roman Sperl, CEO of the German simulator manufacturer Reiser Simulation and Training GmbH.
About Norwegian Competence Centre Helicopter AS
Norwegian Competence Centre Helicopter (NCCH) delivers simulator training to pilots and crew members providing various mission profiles ranging from HEMS, law enforcement, VIP services to offshore applications. NCCH is located at Stavanger Airport, Norway. For more information see ncch.aero.
About Reiser Simulation and Training GmbH
Reiser Simulation and Training GmbH (RST) looks back on more than 30 years of experience in the fields of simulator technology and training equipment for aviation. The family-run company, headquartered south of Munich, now employs more than 200 people at three locations. The product range of Reiser Simulation and Training GmbH primarily comprises the design and manufacture of simulators and training devices for civil and military training of pilots and aircraft technicians. RST’s products are used worldwide and are known for their quality and low operating costs. Further information is available online on www.reiser-st.com.
Press Contact
NCCH Norwegian Competence Centre Helicopter AS
Utsolaarmen 14
N-4055 Sola
Andrea Ehrl